
Now I eat humble pie.

When I woke up today, the Encore movie channel was having some sort of Robert Deniro thing, with Deniro movies all day, and was, at the time of my waking, halfway through Terry Gilliam's masterpiece, Brazil (in which Deniro has only but a cameo; Jonathan Pryce was the real star of that, and the reason we forgive him for making Evita is because he was so good in Brazil.)

Unsatsified with watching it halfway through, I dug out my tape and started it from the beginning. (Why don't I have that one on DVD?) Partway through the movie I realized something funny: the song parody* of "Brazil", the old 1930's standard from which the movie takes its theme, is more familiar to me than the actual song: it's called I Love My Boss, and it's by an early-'90's Canadian band called Moxy Fruvous, known mainly for their kitschy tunes (My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors, King of Spain) and, I hope, rather gorgeous harmonies. I liked them quite a lot in my early days as a Kids in the Hall fan and, although I never did get around to actually buying one of their albums, I have quite a few of their songs on my iPod for when I'm feeling for the kitsch.

Isn't it funny when song parodies become more familiar than the actual songs? I could only hear Fruvous's lyrics as I watched the film:

I love my boss
He isn't full of fluff and gloss
He gives me work and many chores to do
My model, like Ben Cartwright to Hoss.

So silly. I thought I'd link it for your** downloading pleasure, in honour of Jeremy's triumphant return. I love my boss. Welcome home!

*I don't know if you can actually call it a song parody; it uses most of the tune of "Brazil" but actually doesn't relate to the lyrics of that song in any way.

**When I say "your", I'm referring to Kirsten, who I know likes this song; I don't expect anyone else to actually listen to anything I would link.



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